GP crisis: GP committee in the media

Group of doctors in green scrubs holding the top of each others hands.
Andy Mann
  • DAUK News
3 minutes read

DAUK’s GP committee has been speaking in the media about the GP crisis and issues facing general practice.

Dr Steve Taylor, our GP spokesperson, spoke to Pulse about NHS England claims that the NHS App saved GP time equivalent to more than 400,000 hours.

He said: “NHS England stated to the health and social care committee that 416,000 hours of GP time had been saved by use of the NHS App. They had based this on 2.5 million test results being visible and therefore patients not needing a GP appointment.


“This is a huge overstatement of the likely impact of the app.

“Although the app is undoubtedly good for patients, the fact that results can be easily seen also means an increase in some questions to GPs, particularly uncertainty what a test was, borderline results and a reduction in others where tests are normal.

“In fact GPs are now getting questions about hospital tests, that they have not ordered, which would normally only be discussed at a hospital follow-up appointment.

“It is likely the app is not saving appointments and certainly not in the numbers extrapolated by NHS England.”

Dr Lizzie Toberty, DAUK’s GP lead, spoke to the i Paper about Government plans for changes to the benefits system.

General practice

Work and Pensions Secretary Liz Kendall has announced plans for GPs to refer patients to so-called employment advisers rather than being signed off sick.

Dr Toberty said: “This might release GP appointments as some patients do book appointments to simply discuss a fit note again.”

She added: “We do need a proper system which balances the challenges each individual is facing in returning to work and being fair to the taxpayer.

“People on benefits are often among some of the most vulnerable in society and I have no doubt many will be fearful of what changes to the benefits system mean for them.

“As a GP I welcome a scheme which is supportive, flexible and not punitive. I think the concern is when people feel their income is threatened it causes them to be stressed and more unwell. That’s why it needs to be done in a nuanced way.”

Elective care waits

Dr Taylor contributed to a GP Online article which reported on a National Audit Office report that found NHS England was not on track to achieve its target to end elective care waits of more than one year by March 2025.

He said: ‘With more than 5m more appointments in GP practices every month compared to 2019, the delays in patient care is having a huge impact on primary care.

“Complaints of lack of GP appointments are being exacerbated by poor hospital performance as patients are increasingly needing to access care while they wait, and more than half a million more long-term sick need support.’

He added: “Hospitals remain blocked with patients who could be better managed in the community, so it’s vital that there is a joined up approach with hospitals, community care and social care working together. It’s not one or the other, it’s all together.”

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