DAUK’s Anna Sigston in the Huffington Post: NHS U-Turns Amid Anger Over ‘Inhumane’ Exam Conditions For Medical Students

Ellen Welch
  • Compassionate Culture
  • DAUK News
  • Education
  • Students
  • The NHS
2 minutes read

“Less than an hour before it emerged that some students would be able to resit their SJT, the Doctor’s Association UK (DAUK) released an open letter urging the UKFPO to urgently address how grades would be allocated for students who had been interrupted and to arrange resits where necessary.

Anna Sigston, who sits on the DAUK medical student committee told HuffPost UK: “We have received concerns from a number of students whose SJT exam’s were cut short due to technical difficulties and unclear guidance. Ultimately the communication from the UKFPO to these students was poor at best.

“Graduating medical school is a stressful time, especially during a global pandemic, let alone when a major exam was cut short due to errors with the system. The delayed and dismissive communication from the UKFPO has only made this experience more taxing, negatively impacting many student’s mental health.

“Not only this, but we believe it will negatively impact students applications for an error that was not their fault. Pearson VUE and the UKFPO should take responsibility for their technical faults and unclear guidance, rather than punishing students for their failures.”

Read the full article here: https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/nhs-u-turn-final-year-exam-students-inhumane_uk_600ac50cc5b6d64153ab15ca?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubGlua2VkaW4uY29tL2NvbXBhbnkvdGhlZG9jdG9yc2Fzc29jaWF0aW9udWsvcG9zdHMvP2ZlZWRWaWV3PWFsbA&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAABltF_lIcEmfG0w2GXjRzpbscRnUHP_Z6_MFyn9GiE-BCJpwRl_jE0vZgUY2c92wIGdVziqoF9niDApaeeeOTpAvPRH5EWfkMXVoipSlN_ZD6uROLY9ShiVnV4dQj68N_X_Gwaod0qfkr5ykIpb34aLxaKO7B9pAXcKZKBb7kSFM

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