DAUK on Doctors.net: Practices feel unready for a second wave

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Ellen Welch
  • DAUK News
  • General Practice
  • Protect the Frontline
  • The NHS
2 minutes read
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Many practices feel unready for the second COVID-19 wave with concerns about protective equipment and premise management, according to a new survey of GPs.

The findings led one medical organisation to press MPs yesterday for an urgent review of PPE guidelines and stockpiles.

GPs also cited concerns about their own mental health and about access to flu vaccines in the survey conducted by the Doctors’ Association UK.

Nearly 900 doctors took part in the survey and 52% said their premises are not currently suitable for providing simultaneous care for non-COVID patients and those who might be infected.

55% said they lacked confidence in their future access to personal protective equipment.

Most GPs lacked confidence in the development of video consultations because of patients having poor access to Wifi and mobile data. According to NHS Digital, video consultation numbers have declined during the pandemic.

The Doctors’ Association also called for ring fenced funding for primary care and an urgent review of digital deprivation.

GP Dr Vinesh Patel, a committee member of the Doctors’ Association, said: “We spoke to MPs about the important issues those working on the ground in primary care are facing such as reduced capacity to see ‘hot’ patients in the run up to winter, the impact of digital deprivation on our patients, a rising workforce and its undeniable pressures on the mental health of primary care staff, as well as the disconnect between media messages and what is actually going on in primary care.

“We discussed issues such as the mental health of staff, rising workloads, the GP-bashing within the media and the importance of a primary care in this pandemic, and we are confident that we will be able to work together to tackle these issues going forward.”

Read the full article here: https://news.doctors.net.uk/news/32147


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