Our Newsletter goes out to members even fortnight and lets them know what we’ve been doing for them. The latest issue can be read as a PDF here, to give you a taste. Interested? Please, join us.
Calls to action: Members were sent a link to the Vaccinate the World petition this week (see section 5 below).
1) GP Team – PPE letter to employees:
DAUK wrote an open letter to the U.K. Health Security Agency last month, urging guidance on PPE to be updated.The BMJ covered the story.
2) Chair’s Diary:
Our Chair, Dr Jenny Vaughan, has had a productive week.
On the 10th January, Jenny spoke with Protect and WBUK and hope to collaborate to provide a service for our members – More to come soon.
Jenny spoke at the Westminster Health Forum Policy Conference on ‘Clinical Negligence’ on the 12th January. To see full information on the morning, please click here.
On the 15th January, Jenny was an invited speaker on “Compassionate Leadership – Walking the talk” at the
BAPIO conference on Dignity at Work. You can read more about this day here.
DAUK welcomes our new Communications Lead, Alan Taman. Alan will be working alongside Lucy and Meaghan from our admin team. His background is in health communications, health journalism and health campaigning and he is completing his PhD on perceptions to health inequality solutions.
4) Media Work:
It’s been a busy week as always with the media.
DAUK’s Dr Lizzie Toberty appeared on BBC Newsnight speaking about the unacceptable waiting times for hospital treatment, for elective care and for investigations. She also appeared in iNews expressing concern about the NHS on the brink – only being able to deal with emergency care.
Dr David Nicholl wrote two articles in Mail Plus, on Professor Van Tam’s resignation and on leadership from the government. In addition he spoke in the Independent on the lack of staff to man COVID surge facilities.
Dr Louise Hyde spoke to inews with some ideas on how to fix the NHS. She was also quoted in Pulse, commenting on private providers benefitting from the pandemic.
DAUK have supported the #Vaccinatetheworld campaign, to ensure global and equitable access to vaccines, tests, treatment and PPE. Members were asked to sign the petition and to follow and share the campaign on Twitter
Doctors in Distress asked DAUK if we could share information about support groups for Doctors with Long Covid and for Foundation Doctors on self-kindness with our members.