DAUK in Medscape: our call for coroner’s inquests into every healthcare worker death

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Samantha Batt-Rawden
  • Learn Not Blame
  • Protect the Frontline
< 1 minute

Last week we reported on Doctors’ Association UK’s (DAUK) concerns about guidance to coroners in England and Wales that seemed to suggest inquests were not an appropriate way to determine if PPE issues played a role in healthcare workers’ deaths. DAUK has now received a letter from the Chief Coroner clarifying that “inquests are not suitable forums to discuss national or high level policy matters”.

However, Mark Lucraft QC wrote:

“Coroners are independent judges. They make their judicial decisions independently on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the law and they exercise their judicial duty and discretion in relation to any death, including that of a healthcare worker, which is reported to them.”

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