NHS Overseas Workers Day

Overseas workers make an incredible contribution to the NHS and the health of our nation.

A vital part of the NHS

The National Health Service in the UK is a critical part of the nation, but it becomes even more so during difficult times – such as a pandemic.

In the midst of the global Covid-19 health crisis, the NHS relied on a large number of workers who are from overseas to keep the organisation running and to take care of the people who need it.

These overseas workers are vital to the NHS’s mission and running. That’s why Overseas NHS Workers Day was created, and why these people deserve to be celebrated.

The date for the next Overseas Workers Celebration is Friday 7 March 2025.

NHS Overseas Workers Day 2024

Overseas workers make an incredible contribution to the NHS and the health of our nation. They make up a significant proportion of the total NHS workforce and are dedicated to saving lives and looking after people. An estimated one in seven of all NHS staff are from overseas, representing more than 200 different nationalities. Put simply, there wouldn’t be a National Health Service without them. Which is why every year, the Doctors’ Association UK (DAUK) recognises the incredible contributions of International staff to our NHS with Overseas NHS Workers Day.
NHS Overseas Workers Day 2024

NHS Overseas Workers Day 2023

In 2023, we held a week long celebration which started on the 3rd of March! We began by hosting an event on the Right to Strike for Doctors on Visas. Dr Shams Abdalla, BMA Equalities Officer for the East Midlands and FY2, was the speaker.
On 10 March, we held a free online Screening and Discussion of the movie ‘NHS Borderlands’ (Bare Life Films), hosted by DAUK, Migrants Organise, MedAct and Patients not Passports groups. This event was part of our NHS Overseas Workers Day Celebration. The screening was also integral to our campaign to end the Hostile Environment in the NHS and beyond, to raise awareness on the various issues faced by migrant NHS health workers in the UK, and to highlight the human impact of NHS charges on migrants.
NHS Overseas Workers Day 2023

NHS Overseas Workers Day 2022

In 2022, we screened the hard-hitting documentary ‘Hostile’, which shows how people from overseas are being treated by the ‘hostile environment’ – and over 100 of you joined us. Most who did sent us detailed feedback and we will be using that to see what we can do to help overseas NHS workers more than we already are.
Hostile Documentary

NHS Overseas Workers Day 2021

Overseas NHS Workers Day on Friday 5th March 2021 was a recognition of the extraordinary contribution that people who have migrated to the UK have made in the fight against COVID-19. The DAUK, with support from UNISON, The Hospital Consultants and Specialists Association, British Association of Physicians of Indian Origin, Royal College of Physicians, British International Doctors Association, Egyptian Doctors Together and the NHS Arab Doctors in the UK support group.

“DAUK is proud to lead an initiative to celebrate the diversity, companionship and strength our international staff bring to the NHS by observing the first ever ‘Overseas NHS Workers Day’” said organiser Dr Pushpo Hossain.

“We want to applaud the contribution of our overseas colleagues during the pandemic and raise awareness of some of the issues they face as international staff.”

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